A wholesome poem for this exam season
‘Twas the night before exams, when all through Flavelle,
Not a student was sleeping, not even a 1L.
The outlines were writ with the utmost of care,
In hopes that an HH would soon prevail.
The profs were nestled all snug in their beds,
While hypotheticals danced in their heads.
In Laskin, I sat down for a long all-nighter,
To try to work out this federalism matter.
When on the back lawn there came a pitter-patter,
I leapt from my chair to see what was the clatter.
I ran to the window and peered outside,
And boy did my eyes sure grow wide.
To my complete surprise, there was Dean Iacobucci,
With a bundle of outlines and a side of sushi.
The Dean had come to save the night,
And now I knew everything would turn out alright.
Contracts, Torts, Admin, and Crim all lie in wait,
On Examplify when it’s your given date.
But to all the 1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, and 4Ls, too,
On the night before exams, Dean Iacobucci will surely come through.